Friday, August 8, 2014

Inspired by Bey and Ri

In choosing yesterday's look I was inspired by Beyonce's and Rihanna's looks that I saw 
posted throughout my instagram. My instagram is miss__posh by the way..shameless plug lol. I was inspired by these looks that they created because they were sophisticated, laid back, classy looks with a hint of sexiness.
         When I saw the denim on denim look I figured that  it would be easy for me to recreate, and add my own twist. In my opinion every girl should have a jean shirt and skirt in their closet. You can constantly mix and  match them no matter what season it is. In the fall/winter seasons you can add tights or stockings underneath the skirt. With the jean shirt you can add a blazer on top. Interchangeable pieces are my fave.

Beyonce and Rihanna's looks from Fashion Bomb
Daily's instagram.

Images from Beyonce's Instagram

In choosing my look I went with the same jean on jean concept as these two fashion icons. I chose to wear a jean top instead of a jacket because it was fairly warm yesterday. I tied it above my waste. I got the shirt a long time ago from target on clearance. The denim skirt that I paired it with came from one of my fave online boutiques TheThickyChicky. They sale fashionable apparel dedicated to thick chicks ;-).

I hold on to a lot of things in my closet because I live to mix and match pieces, and I feel like if i let go of something I'll regret it. Accessories make a "look" that's why I buy more accessories than clothes. My shoes pictured are from Charlotte Russe as well as my glasses and rings. My chain earrings are from HoneyBGold. I added a fanny pack to my look because I'm obsessed with them!. You can find tons of them online just search for them! Try etsy to begin with. Below I have added more pictures of my look.

Look back at it

When your friend catches you off guard

When someone tells me that I look nice for a big girl...

An off guard pose again

Thanks for reading guys!! ;-) I hope that you enjoyed this post. This look is easy to recreate, and if you like it don't be scared to try it out on yourself!